Healing with Heart, an exciting new initiative of the Cancer Foundation for New Mexico, makes its debut at the 2023 Sweetheart Auction as part of our 20th anniversary kickoff. The program pairs cancer survivors or current patients with artists in a collaboration intended to produce compelling visual messages of healing and hope.
Each artwork is a storytelling expedition. It begins with dialogue; an honest, open exploration of the subject’s journey through cancer; and mutual understanding in which the stories of artist and subject intersect and inform each other. There are no rules. The results are personal, provocative and – we hope – inspirational and enduring.
We launched Healing with Heart with four collaborative pairings, which produced four powerful works of art. But we believe this initiative has enormous potential to affect the lives of many who face similar journeys or care for those who do. To that end, the Cancer Foundation will be expanding Healing with Heart as we find other artists and patients — or caregivers – who are willing to share the gifts of their talents, journeys, insights and learnings.
Below is one of the collaborations that make up this special project. Learn more about Healing with Heart here.

Oil and encaustic on wood, 36.5” x 80.5” x 1.75”
Andrea Bonfils, in collaboration with Marcia Shaffer