5/3/19: New Writing Workshop for Cancer Patients & Survivors

Joanne Fay Brown, MSW

Write to Heal

A FREE writing workshop based on (but not limited by) the life-changing diagnosis of cancer

The intent of this group for cancer patients and survivors is that you experience “Expressive Writing” as a way of healing. While writing may not cure, it can heal, according to scientific studies. Writing with others on parallel paths will be our avenue to reclaim our voices, and reconnect with our lives. Everyone is welcome: if you have never written, or if you have always written. The workshop is based on the acclaimed Amherst Writers & Artists method.

Six Tuesdays, June 11 through July 16

1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Joanne Fay Brown, MSW, has led Amherst Writers & Artists workshops in Berkeley, Oaxaca, Mexico, and now in Santa Fe. She is a cancer survivor and a Master in Social Work.

Questions? / Registration:

Contact Joanne Brown at (510) 381-1205 or [email protected] – OR –
Patient Services Coordinator Caroline Owen at (505) 955-7931 x 3, [email protected]