Imagine You or Someone You Love Couldn’t Afford to Drive to Cancer Treatment
The financial and emotional stress of a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. And sadly, in New Mexico, there are many people who are financially unable to start and complete their required cancer treatment. We’re working to ease this burden for New Mexicans by providing non-medical support that ensures access to treatment in Santa Fe.
Together, we supported more than 24,000 patient visits last year. This record number is an increase of 14% over 21,000 patient visits the year before. Your commitment to our mission is vital. Every mileage reimbursement check, hotel accommodation near the treatment center, grocery card, and support group we provide eases the path forward for a cancer patient and their family.
Imagine how Your Donation can Help Save Lives in the Battle Against Cancer
With your donation, you can honor a special person involved in the battle against cancer on the HONOR ROLL, which will be featured on our website through Feb. 28, 2019.
You may make a donation “In Honor Of” or “In Memory Of” a patient, healthcare professional, volunteer or anyone you wish. Click the Honor Roll image below to DONATE.