Become a Sponsor for Santa Fe’s Largest Annual Charity Auction!

How to become a sponsor
Sponsorship provides many benefits that generate great visibility and well-deserved recognition before, during, and after the event. Participation in the Honor Wall is also included. For more information about sponsorships levels and benefits for the 2023 Sweetheart Auction please click below.
Questions? Please contact Bob Ansheles at (505) 955-7931 x. 404 or [email protected]
The Honor Wall
One of the most moving elements of the Sweetheart Auction is the Honor Wall. The Honor Wall is displayed at the event on February 11th, and then kept on the CFFNM website in virtual form through September 2023. All sponsors enjoy the benefit of participation in the Honor Wall. Choose an “In Honor Of” or “In Memory Of” tribute to a colleague, family member, friend or another special person. This is a unique way to show your support for someone going through the cancer journey and also an opportunity to recognize those people who have left an impact in your life.

All in-person events and sponsor benefits are subject to change based on state of New Mexico health guidelines.